This is from the second article in the series entitled Heal Yourself in 15 Days from Natural News.
"Healthy people aren't healthy just because they eat superfoods and drink living juices all day long. They are healthy because they avoid poisoning their bodies with pharmaceuticals, artificial sweeteners, MSG and other processed food ingredients. They avoid the chemicals in cosmetics, personal care products, household cleaning products and lawn care products. They avoid consuming meat from animals who have been pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. They keep their bodies as free from pollution as possible, and as a result, their innate healing powers are always working for them!"
Part Two in this series is all about your body's amazing ability to heal. When we listen to our body, give it the right tools, such as rest, whole foods and exercise and avoid damaging chemicals and stressors, our bodies can heal on their own. Click to read more.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
How to Heal Yourself in 15 Days
The link below is the first article in a series - "How to Heal Yourself in 15 Days" - which will be published in Natural News over the next few weeks. I will post each article on here because the topic of them is something that truly resonates with me and my practice.
This first article, "Day 1 - Rethink Health," is all about changing your outlook on health. In Western medicine, we have learned to look at health in numbers, diagnose with tests and treat with drugs. These drugs put a band-aid on symptoms, but don't actually get to the root of the problem, and usually just throw our bodies more out of balance. That's not to say that there isn't a place for conventional medicine, or that more holistic and conventional can't be combined - but to treat solely through what Western medicine is often not in the best interest of our health.
Click the link below to read more.
How to Heal Yourself in 15 Days
This first article, "Day 1 - Rethink Health," is all about changing your outlook on health. In Western medicine, we have learned to look at health in numbers, diagnose with tests and treat with drugs. These drugs put a band-aid on symptoms, but don't actually get to the root of the problem, and usually just throw our bodies more out of balance. That's not to say that there isn't a place for conventional medicine, or that more holistic and conventional can't be combined - but to treat solely through what Western medicine is often not in the best interest of our health.
Click the link below to read more.
How to Heal Yourself in 15 Days
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Do You Know What You Are Eating? ...on Oprah!
On yesterday's episode of Oprah (January 27, 2010), best selling food expert Michael Pollan (author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, In Defense of Food and Food Rules) was featured and spoke about why our food supply today is making us sick, how it is so diminished nutritionally, what to look for in the grocery store as well as what to put on our plates. Alicia Silverstone was also a guest on the show, speaking about her new book Kind Food and how her weight loss worries are over because of her new outlook on food.
I was very excited to see this topic and Michael Pollan featured on the show, as it is such an important message. Click here for a preview clip of yesterday's episode. Unfortunately, full episodes are not available online. In this episode, the movie Food, Inc. was also named as an eye-opening and informational source on America's food supply.
Another link about Michael Pollan and what he spoke about on the show: Michael Pollan on Oprah.
I was very excited to see this topic and Michael Pollan featured on the show, as it is such an important message. Click here for a preview clip of yesterday's episode. Unfortunately, full episodes are not available online. In this episode, the movie Food, Inc. was also named as an eye-opening and informational source on America's food supply.
Another link about Michael Pollan and what he spoke about on the show: Michael Pollan on Oprah.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Creamy Broccoli Soup
This recipe is a yummy and healthier alternative to a traditional cream of broccoli soup. There's no dairy and contains two essential foods: whole grains and green veggies. All real, whole food goodness, and it's super easy to make! Husband tested and approved! It's located on the Institute for Integrative Nutrition website, where you can also find dozens of wonderful recipes that are simple and of course, nutritious!
Creamy Broccoli Soup
Creamy Broccoli Soup
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Those Crazy Carbs!

Carbohydrates are in most of the foods we eat, from candy to vegetables. We've learned to avoid all carbs, but we need carbohydrates for optimal health and energy! What we really should be doing is eating complex carbs and avoiding simple carbs. Most simple carbohydrates are highly processed foods with refined sugars and little nutritional value - many pastas, cookies, cakes, breads, crackers and cereals. These foods do not provide us with lasting energy because they are low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are the carbs we want to eat! These carbs appear in nature - our whole foods - such as vegetables and whole grains like brown rice. Yes, these foods are carbs too! These foods should make up the majority of our diets because they are nutrient-rich and provide lasting energy. The problem is that many of us are eating carbs that have been denatured and deformed instead of whole foods.
With the New Year comes resolutions to lose weight, stick to certain diets and avoid certain foods. So often we fall short of these diet-focused resolutions, and it's not because of lack of will power or dedication. The truth is dieting in general is hard work and certainly not the natural way to eat! Trying to cut out certain foods from your diet is a difficult task and very rarely can any of us permanently stick to a diet plan such as low carb, low fat, no protein, etc.
One of the strategies I focus on is slowly adding in foods that are healthier choices rather than trying to omit not-so-healthy foods. Eventually, these healthier foods "crowd out" the processed, sugar-filled, chemicalized foods...often without you even realizing it's happening! And, rather than focusing on the carbs, fat, protein and calories - which is a horribly difficult, frustrating and unnatural way to be eating for any period in your life - why not focus on adding in a variety of local, organic whole foods? Perhaps it means adding one single food in at a time, but making a small change such as this is a habit that will actually stick!
American culture has learned in the past few decades to focus on what experts call "nutritionism." This is the ideology that food is replaced by nutrients. We are told to worry about how much of each vitamin and mineral we are getting (get your calcium! take an iron supplement!), eat more antioxidant-rich foods, eat lower fat foods and so on. This shifts our focus from food and nature to nutrients and science...and this is not a natural or healthy way to be eating. It seems the more we worry about nutrition, the less healthy we become - something food expert Michael Pollan, calls the American Paradox. Doesn't that seem odd? Our ancestors certainly didn't count calories or take a multi-vitamin, and in many ways they were much healthier as a nation than we are.
This is all a large part of the foundation for my health coaching and why I feel so strongly that what many of us (including myself) have been hearing for so long is completely backwards. Figuring out what to eat should not be so complicated and doesn't have to be! Can you imagine actually eating guilt-free and with the satisfaction of knowing that you are making smart, natural decisions for you and your family? It's time to throw that No Carb/Low Carb/Low Fat/No Fat/Calorie Counting stuff out the window! Trust me - you don't need it!!
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