When was the last time you asked yourself, "Why do I have this headache?" or "What's causing me to have all this heartburn or feel so bloated?" or "Why is my acne so bad lately?"
Too often, we suffer through discomfort and pain in our bodies, either masking and reducing symptoms by taking a pain reliever, antacid or scrubbing our skin with the newest "miracle" cleanser. But how often do we stop to think about what is actually causing the problem in the first place? How often do we get to the root of the problem?
I used to get headaches a lot, almost everyday. My solution was to drink more coffee and take lots of Advil. I had no problem popping a couple Advil a couple times a day on a regular basis, and if two didn't work, I just took another. Those headaches would sometimes temporarily subside, but usually came back later or the next day, when I just consumed more coffee and more pain relievers. Not once did I think that what I was EATING could be causing my headaches. I always said, "I'm just someone who gets headaches a lot." That statement and assumption couldn't be more inaccurate. And how my poor body suffered!
Now, since I've made changes in my diet and lifestyle, if I get a headache (which is rare!), I think about what I've eaten recently that may have caused it. Too much sugar? Too much meat/animal protein or not enough? Not enough water? I also consider how much sleep I've gotten and what might be causing some stress in my life. Usually I can figure out exactly what triggered the headache and fix the real problem by drinking more water, getting some whole foods in my body, adjusting the amount or type of animal protein or getting some rest. I also know how I can avoid a headache in the future.
The moral of this story is to listen to your body. When something feels out of whack, it probably is, and can often be resolved by making a few small adjustments in your diet and lifestyle. This is one of the things I work on with clients - how to pay attention to the signs your body is giving you and what steps you can take to fix the issue. Don't ignore what your body is telling you (or screaming at you!). Over time, if we ignore too many signs, it results in a more serious illness that is much harder to resolve. When we have aches and pains, it's our job to figure out what the problem is, and very often we don't need to pop a pill or head to the doctor to feel better. You only get one body, so don't ignore it!