Sunday, October 31, 2010

Avoiding Halloween Sugar Shock!

I remember as a kid being so excited to go trick-or-treating, just for the candy alone! The fuller my candy bag, the better. Now, as an adult and nutrition coach, I cringe at how much cheap candy - containing loads of sugar, high fructose corn syrup and chemical ingredients - is being passed out and consumed by kids and adults. That's the scary part of Halloween for me, and I don't even have children yet!

This is not to say that I don't have a couple pieces of candy if I feel like it, and I wouldn't ask anyone to deprive themselves either. Plus, I get that it's part of the fun and tradition for children. Over-indulging on this stuff is just the reality of Halloween. However, there are some ways to help you and your kids avoid the full effects of sugar shock.

1) Eat a nutrient-rich meal before going trick-or-treating. Be sure to include whole grains, like whole grain pasta, brown rice or quinoa and some veggies (the greener, the better!). Also, get in some healthy fats - saute veggies/rice in olive oil or coconut oil - and quality protein, like fish, organic/free range chicken, or lentils/beans. Nuts and seeds are also a good protein source.

2) Hydrate. Be sure everyone is getting enough water throughout the day. This does NOT mean drinking energy or sports drinks, which only have more sugar and other harmful ingredients.

3) Remember that after your kids have been eating all sorts of candy, it's going to have an effect on their behavior. Misbehaving, high-energy and irritability can become extreme after all that sugar. Keep this in mind and cut them a little slack! Help them get that energy out by having a little dance party or a game of flashlight tag on the front lawn after trick-or-treating.

4) Try reading the ingredients on the candy and throw out some of the ones with ingredients that you can't pronounce. Most likely these are not real food products and are even worse than the sugar. You may be surprise at how much of the candy contains these fake foods.

5) Be sure that as an adult, your needs are being met. Get your rest, do something for yourself and eat a healthy meal. If you are not taking care of yourself, you're apt to fulfill what's missing by eating more Halloween candy.

6) Take notice of how you do feel after eating candy and learn from the experience. All that sugar makes a big difference in our bodies and with our moods and mental clarity!