Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Six Simple Tips for a Healthy Holiday

For many of us it's hard enough to eat "smart" and then the holidays come around, and we're surrounded with loads of food (and much of it doesn't support our health). Thanksgiving is often the door that opens into a season of eating poorly: eating too much, too many simple carbs, too much sugar and caffeine and not enough of the foods that support our bodies and keep us energized and cold and flu-free. Try out these simple strategies below to make your holiday season more healthful so you don't head into the New Year with added weight, lower energy and that guilty feeling that often comes with overindulgence.

1) Eat before you go out. Arriving at a party or holiday meal famished will make you much more likely to pick all the high-calorie foods, eat too fast and over eat. Instead, be sure to get in some healthy foods at home. Saute some broccoli, kale or spinach with onion and garlic in olive or coconut oil. Throw it in a sprouted whole, grain wrap or enjoy by itself. Try adding some beans, chicken, tempeh or nuts/seeds for extra protein.

2) Drink lots of water, and always have a large glass before you eat. This will keep you hydrated and feeling more full so you are less likely to fill up on foods.

3) Focus on nutrient-rich foods. When you fill your plate, be sure to start with the veggies, like carrots and squash, which are common holiday veggies and very nutritious. When you snack, go for the raw veggies, fruit and nuts.

4) Bring your own healthy dish. If you aren't sure there will be healthy options on the table where you're going, bring a tasty and nutritious dish of your own to share. Try making a spinach hummus with olive oil, chick peas, tahini, lemon, baby spinach leaves, and put that on a platter with veggies sticks.

5) Treat yourself to the special stuff only. Enjoy a small piece of homemade apple pie, but skip the boxed cookies and other items that come in a package.

6) Walk after you eat. It's a tradition in my family to take a walk together after a large holiday meal...even in the dark! Grab the flashlights if you need them, kids, strollers and dogs and head out for a good 20-minute walk (or more!). This helps to move the digestion process along and encourages physical activity on a day that you are likely to be eating more food than usual.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Franken-Fish?! URGENT: Public Comment Required before Nov 22nd

FDA poised to approve sale of genetically engineered salmon in U.S. supermarkets (*without labeling so we won't know the difference) - 
even though scientists warn it could harm human health. 

URGENT: Public comment required before November 22nd (just 1 week)!

Synopsis :
- Demand right to know what is in your food.
- You want genetically engineered food labeled.
- As a consumer you have a right to know.
- Tell Congress to stop approval of genetically engineered animals for food.
- Demand that FDA conduct a thorough Environmental Impact Statement before
deciding whether to approve the first ever genetically engineered animal for food.

go to action alert at Organic Consumers Association (
To sign petition, go top of third column, click on: 
"Featured Alert" Stop Frankenfish! No GMO Salmon!
For entire article: 
GE Salmon! Are You Out of Your Minds? 
by Jeffrey Smith, leading advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices

or Center For Food Safety:
"Major U.S. Environmental groups Call for Full Environmental Review of Genetically Engineered Salmon"

Highlights of Smith article:
- growth hormone gene forcing fish to grow up to 5x faster 

- according to evidence might have higher levels of a cancer promoting hormone (IGF-1), more antibiotics and more potentially life-threatening allergen(s)

- FDA failed to learn lesson with genetically engineered bovine growth hormone which 
also has higher levels of IGF-1 and more antibiotics, now condemned by the Am. Public Health Assoc., banned in most other countries; 

- Am. Academy of Environmental Medicine condemned GMOs and
 urged physicians to prescribe non-GMO diets

- threat of Frankenfish escaping into wild, extinction of wild populations, genetic pollution irreversible

- Canadian scientists tested behavior in tanks, result -  population crashes or complete extinctions, suggests if released or escape into ocean, aggressive salmon would pursue and consume other types of fish

- according to Union of Concerned Scientists, food safety succumbing to higher priority of global corporate profits


Monday, November 1, 2010

Land Meat with Healthy Omega 3's

Most of us have heard about the health benefits of wild salmon that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Did you know that we can also get these same omega-3's in certain land meats, minus the risk of mercury?

When beef, venison, bison and buffalo are grass fed, they contain higher levels of these omega-3's than factory farmed animals that feed on grain and soy. While we often hear that meat can be harmful to our health, this usually applies to those factory farmed animals that, as a result of their raising, contain higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids, which are inflammatory. Grass fed beef also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is known for aiding in loss of fat and muscle gain.

While I always recommend supporting local farmers that raise free-range and grass-fed animals whenever possible, I know it's not always easy to find them depending on where you live. Because of that I want to suggest a great website that sells these beneficial meats and ships throughout the U.S.: US Wellness Meats. Prices are reasonable and shipping is mostly free.

Remember that eating meat is different for every person. Some people do better with more, some are better off with less. It's important to find out what works for your body. Pay attention to how you feel with more or less meat in your diet. To find out more about how holistic health & nutrition coaching can help you discover the best foods for your body, visit me at for a FREE consultation over the phone.