This time of the year, more than any other, the market is flooded with new diet solutions, tips on cutting calories and a huge focus on weight loss. Now that I've been looking at nutrition, my health and my clients' health in a very holistic, natural way, I am often disgusted at how complicated, boring and ineffective these conventional methods often are.
Now, that may seem like a bold and slightly harsh statement to make, so I want to clarify. My feeling of disgust is not toward the people who practice or preach health and nutrition in this way. For a lot of it, like caloric intake, there is a true science behind it, which if a person can follow, is quite effective. What bothers me is the feelings of overwhelm, disappointment, confusion and defeat I see in so many people when approaching their diets and health obstacles in this way. While certain diets, counting points and calories may work quite well for some people, it definitely doesn't work for most and this is what makes us feel disappointed, confused and defeated. I certainly believe that there is a need, a time and a place for conventional nutrition, health and medicine, but we overuse, wrongly use and abuse it. The rising American obesity rate in children and adults shows that something is seriously wrong.
The truth is, counting calories, going on a 30-day diet and measuring your portions stinks! Plus, there is no "one size fits all," but unfortunately everyone seems to get lumped into one category with certain food rules to follow. If you can actually stand to track your calories and points, measure your food every day or stick with a special diet, it probably won't last and it makes eating, cooking and food in general a big, daunting pain in the you-know-what. That is not how life should be.

Holistic Nutrition looks at our health, food and diet in a different way. The focus is on the individual's unique needs, preferences, lifestyle and body. It's also about learning to listen to what your body needs, which isn't some crazy voodoo, but just figuring out what works for you and what doesn't over time. There are no lists of restricted foods, only suggested foods in moderation, with the idea that sometimes it's more important to savor that cupcake with a smile than it is to track the calories and punish yourself for it. Rather than focusing on what we can't eat, the focus is on what foods nourish and sustain our bodies, and we eat these nutrient-rich foods without paying much attention to calories because, to be honest, it's not necessary. The "rules" are simple, flexible and make food and eating enjoyable and real.

Holistic nutrition also isn't only about the food, but it's also about everything else going on in our lives. Someone who is trying to lose weight or eat better probably won't be very successful if other factors like work or relationships or causing stress. The person, as a whole, is important, not just the pieces.
This may all seem a little vague as to how it all works, so let me give you an idea on how I implement all of these elements with my clients. This varies so much from person to person - it all depends on where you need to focus and then we make it work for you. In a session, after listening to your concerns, goals and gathering information, we talk about a couple types of foods to try adding in or one particular meal you might be struggling with. We talk about how to cook that new food, I offer suggestions and recipes and we figure out a small, manageable goal or two for you to work on until we meet or talk again. We make it practical and fun. Each session is adjusted to meet your needs, schedule or even your mood that week. We go at your speed, always with motivation, support and helpful information from me along the way.
I've had such success working with my clients in this way, and it gives me such joy to see their lives change. This is about a lifestyle change, not a diet. You begin thinking about food differently, and suddenly it all begins to click and become second nature - these are the actual words of many people I work with. Changing the way I eat and think about food has made a big difference in my life, which is why I feel so strongly about supporting others through this process. As someone who used to get headaches and stomach aches on a daily basis, was tired most of the time and really didn't know how to eat, I can tell you my life is very different now and I feel amazing.
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If you have any interest in seeing what it would be like to work with me in a holistic nutrition program, please schedule your FREE phone meet and greet today, by emailing me at info@kendallscottwellness.com. I offer this so that you can get a better feel for what the experience will be like and so that you can share your health goals and concerns. Could one conversation change your life? There's only one way to find out.