I often have those days or evenings when I just don't know what I'm going to cook for dinner. Can you relate? It just feels like I'm using up too much brain power trying to figure it out - simple, quick, healthy. Those are usually my goals - and of course - delicious! However, too often I just don't want to figure out what to put together, so I've created a life saver of a dish - the Rice Combo!!!
For example, for dinner tonight I knew I wanted to have some beets I picked up at the farmer's market (by the way - boiled sliced beets, drizzled with crumbled goat cheese, olive oil and crushed pecans - yum!), but what else would we have with those beets? I had no meat or fish at all, and while I'm not a huge meat gal myself, my husband definitely likes to have his fair share. Usually, I'll do a quality, lean protein, lots of veggies and some whole grains. Then you have your nice, neat three part dinner. That wasn't happening.
Introducing the Rice Combo! Basically, I cook some organic brown rice (or quinoa, wild rice, forbidden rice) in my rice cooker - no monitoring needed. Then I saute in a pan other foods that I have, like veggies, beans, lentils, herbs, spices and oil. I check my pantry, the fridge and think about what would be some tasty, healthy foods to add. I try to add variety, different colors, textures and lots of veggies. Once those are mostly cooked, I add the cooked rice to the pan and mix it all together.
Here's what I came up with tonight: forbidden rice, green lentils, fresh corn I cut off leftover cooked corn cobs, scallions, garlic, yellow pepper and toasted sesame oil. Voila! I also decided to throw the beet greens in with the rice and just have the beets on the side. It's simple, super easy and if you make enough - perfect for lunch the next day. And my husband loves it! :)
The next time you are at a loss for what to have for dinner - experiement with a rice combo of your own!
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