Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is a Teleclass?

I'm offering more and more teleclasses - a great way to provide information on wellness and nutrition topics to people who can't attend "in person" classes and workshops. Is the Teleclass/Webcast/Webinar/Telesminar concept new to you? Maybe you've heard about it, but have never participated in one yourself. If so, read on to find out how it works.

What is a Teleclass?
A Teleclass is a class conducted over the phone and sometimes simultaneously over your Internet connection (webcast/webinar). Most Teleclasses I offer have either option. It's a great way to share information to people who can't attend "in person" workshops.

What do I have to do?
When you sign up for a Teleclass at KSW, you will be emailed call-in instructions. These instructions will tell you that you can either call the listed number from your phone at the time of the class or go to the listed link to click "play" and listen to the call on your computer.

Will I have to participate?
Just like an "in person" class, no one is forced to participate! On some calls, all callers will be muted and only the host(s) of the teleclass (that's me!) will speak, and you just listen. In other teleclasses, there may be Q&A opportunities where guests can un-mute their phone and ask a question to have it answered live. To speak, you must be on a telephone.

What if I can’t listen to the entire live call? Will anyone know if I hang up or stop listening to the webcast?

No one listening to the call will know or hear if you hang up, close the webcast or even call back again during the call. Only the host can see how many people are on the call via phone or web. You will also receive a link to the recording later in case you miss part of the call.

What happens when I dial the number to call in?
You will be asked to enter a passcode (which is in your sign-up email). Then it will connect you to the live call. You may hear guests or the host(s) talking or you may not hear anything until the call officially starts. Typically, I automatically mute every guest who calls in so we don’t hear background noises. You can simply sit quietly and wait until the call starts.

Can anyone hear me if I listen via webcast?
No, no one can hear you.

What if I can’t make the live teleclass?
All teleclasses are recorded and the recording is automatically emailed to everyone who registers for that call. You can download the recorded call (MP3 file) and listen anytime you’d like.

What’s the benefit to being on the live call?
When there are Q and A opportunities or participation is requested, you get to ask questions and receive support and help with any obstacles you might be facing. You have an opportunity to get a lot more out of the call! It’s also kind of fun to be on the live call – you can feel the energy! The recording is simply a recording.

How do I sign up for Teleclasses?
All teleclasses offer a sign-in form at or a Paypal option if the call is not free. Registration is required for free and paying teleclasses to receive the live call-in information.

Does anything else come with a teleclass?
Yes! There is almost always bonus, supportive handouts – recipes, tips on the call topic, worksheets, etc. These handouts are either sent to you in your registration email or after the class in a separate email.

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