Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Egg Salad Sandwich from Happy Chickens!

Today for lunch I hard boiled a couple of farm-fresh eggs from my mom's happy chickens in Maryland (I just went down for a visit). The difference between most store-bought eggs and fresh eggs from a local farm is amazing! They taste fresher and the yolk is a beautiful, bright orange rather than the dull yellow we are used to seeing in older eggs. Plus, I love that I was there to take these eggs right out of the nest. The blue/green eggs are from the aricona chickens.

The chickens to the right are Fiona and Maude, and the rooster is Ricardo. Fiona (in the middle) is an aricona.

For the egg salad mixture, I chopped the two hard boiled eggs and added fresh parsley from the herbs in my kitchen, some diced red onion, paprika and organic mayo. I don't typically measure out these quantities, but my guess would be 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 2 tablespoons red onion, 1/4 teaspoon paprika, 1 teaspoon organic mayo. Salt and pepper to taste. This is such a simple but YUMMY combination!

I then spread about half the egg salad on a slice of organic spelt bread, topped with baby spinach leaves, slice of tomato and three slices of avocado, saving the rest for tomorrow. Et voila!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cashew Mylk from Ani Phyo

Have you ever tried making your own non-dairy milk? A great dairy-free alternative is to use nuts, such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans or hazelnuts. You can also buy these types of milks, but making it yourself is an even healthier way to go! It's so yummy and very easy to do! Plus, you can make it then store in your fridge for four or five days.  

Simply blend the nuts with water, add a few pitted dates to sweeten (or a minimally processed sweetener, if you prefer), a touch of salt and voila! You can also add cinnamon or vanilla beans for added flavor.

In this video, Raw Food author, Ani Phyo, demonstrates exactly how to make your own nut milk!

Cashew Mylk Video