Now that we've reached the fall season, many of us are thinking ahead to the winter months. If you've been enjoying fresh produce all summer long from local farmers' markets or your share from a farm with Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) offerings, fear not - you can continue to enjoy your local produce all year long!
Most open-air farmers' markets continue well into October, but after that, we can turn to indoor winter markets. In Maine, there are several indoor farmers' markets where local farmers and vendors offer many root veggies, plus meats, eggs, cheeses and more. Purchasing from these vendors is a great way to continue supporting your local community AND know exactly where your food is coming from. A list of winter markets can be found here.
As for CSAs - there are several available over the winter and many give you support in storaging produce, recipes and instructions on canning or freezing the food. Some even offer fresh summertime vegetables like radishes and arugula because they grow in greenhouses. Click here for a list of Maine Winter CSAs.
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