I often have clients who are shocked when I tell them "Oh, yeah, when I get an uncontrollable craving for something sweet, I hit the store down the road for a homemade GIANT whoopie pie." (Although, I usually don't want the entire thing now, even if initially I think I do.) I also don't exercise like I would like to, but I try and it comes and goes in phases. My point is that, yes, I am human. Being a Holistic Health Coach, does not mean I eat perfectly, exercise perfectly, balance my life perfectly or do anything perfectly. Far from it.
I am, however, more aware of when my life is getting off-kilter, and that's the first step to finding balance. Winter Blues season is just a majorly off-balanced time that is more difficult to control.
Sometimes the clues of Winter Blues or any unbalanced time are obvious - you're irritable, depressed, bored, lazy, unmotivated and tired. Sometimes other clues, especially the physical ones, like headaches, acne, aches and pains, stiffness, dark circles under the eyes and digestive discomfort are not so obvious. We often let these symptoms of unbalance go and try to treat them with Tums, Advil, coffee, sugar, alcohol, cigarettes or whatever your choice may be. The problem is, we are then "treating" the symptoms and not the cause. If you treat the symptoms while ignoring the problem long enough, that's when bigger problems occur. I often think back to how many of these signs or symptoms I had in the two to three years before my cancer diagnosis, and it's no wonder I got cancer. SOMETHING had to happen - I was so unbalanced, but I never took the time to pay attention to the clues so I could do something about it.This certainly doesn't mean that everyone who isn't in "perfect" balance is going to get cancer or any other disease, but it does mean you are more susceptible to illness and unhappiness.
Rather than ignoring the signs that something in your body isn't quite right, instead try to find a way to bring yourself one step closer to balance, in whatever way you define the word. Give yourself a small, manageable goal. Perhaps it's adding in a 15-minute morning walk before you go to work. Another one might be to steam and eat some broccoli three nights a week, even if it's in addition to your Chinese take-out. It also may mean slowing down your hectic, exhausting exercise schedule that gets you up at 4:00am because it's draining you, and swapping a day or two for a walk with the family or an evening Yoga class. It could be spending 20 minutes each day with a cup of tea and a book. Or try something new - like a Veggie Sushi Class! (Sorry, a shameless plug.)
My goal is to walk my dog for 30 minutes first thing EVERY morning. I don't want to start my day on my computer checking email - I just want to get outside. He always gets a walk or serious play time outside, but doing it first thing in the morning is something I know gives ME energy for the day. Being outside in the fresh air is so rejuvenating for me. Plus, if his walk(s) get pushed toward the end of the day, they sometimes get shorter in length. Today I had to force myself to meet this goal, but once I got out in the woods with my dog happily running around, I felt so amazing! Then, the crazy thing is, it made me want to go make a healthy breakfast and get in a good workout. Once I broke my slump with that morning walk, the other things seemed to come easier - and that was just on the first day! Pretty cool! I still want to get away to a sunny beach on an island, but the point is, I feel much better.
So...give it a try. Beat the Winter Blues. What's one good thing you can do for yourself to bring more balance into your life?